6 Kinds of Summer Foods That Are Good for Dental Health


Not long before the summer is in full swing and you are ready to spend a fun time with your family enjoying delicious summer meals. However, maintaining balance in your meals is necessary for sound oral health. Your diet must include vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts. The phrase ‘You are what you eat’ defines your way towards a healthy life and a balanced summer diet gets your body the spruce it needs and elevates your dental health immensely. As the summer approaches, here is a list of summer foods to add to your plate for healthy teeth.


Adding cheese to your summer diet works wonderfully as it contains casein used for protecting your teeth’s surface. Often, the food we eat contains acid that can erode the tooth enamel and create significant damage to it. Including cheese in your diet helps reduce the amount of acid in your food and protects your teeth. Moreover, its richness in calcium helps build stronger teeth and bones.


Typically, fishes with edible bones such as sardines are rich in vitamin D, which helps in enamel development.


This summer, put candies and sweets away and let the natural sweetness of fruit do all the work for you. Especially for someone with a sweet tooth, you can include all sorts of tasty fruits on your plate, such as:

  1. Strawberries: High in vitamin C, collagen, fluoride and calcium that work in the favor of your teeth immensely
  2. Pear: Help in reducing the plaque in your mouth and block the harmful acids from damaging your teeth
  3. Apples: Boosts saliva production that is required to gulp down food particles and bacteria in your mouth; also contains vitamin C, potassium, water and fiber to regulate the health of your teeth
  4. Peaches: A healthy choice for your teeth due to vitamin C and fluoride


Just like cheese, yogurt contains high levels of calcium and protein that enhance the health of your teeth. The probiotics in yogurt mitigate harmful bacteria from causing cavities.


Not just for the summer but vegetables should be a regular part of your diet due to their high mineral and vitamin content. Leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, contain high amounts of calcium and folic acids necessary for the good health of your gums. Include vegetables such as corn, zucchini, potatoes, green beans, summer squash and lettuce for a healthy oral diet.


Celery is high in fibers that help in increasing saliva production while the fibrous particles clean your teeth while chewing.

A healthy diet should not only be maintained in the summers but also regularly to achieve sound dental health. Home of Smiles Dental Clinic advocates a healthy diet that improves the health of your teeth and gums and promotes overall dental care. However, if your teeth are beyond the point of benefiting from healthy food, book an appointment with us. Our veteran dentists carry the necessary procedures in returning your teeth back to their former glory and retaining your confident smile.